


The experiences your daughter has at Ellis and the relationships she develops will teach her that there are many different ways to be a girl in the world. 在她初中毕业的时候, she will be on the path to discovering the girl she is meant to be and have the confidence to become her. 简单地说,澳门官方老葡京是一个女孩腾飞的地方.


The primary goal of the 较低的学校 mathematics program is for students to see that mathematics is a tool for better understanding and 解释ing the world around them. 澳门新葡新京官方的学生达到的水平 概念的理解 that allows them to solve complex problems and communicate their solutions clearly and convincingly to others. 低年级数学课程的主要特点包括:


  • 强调解决问题

    我们知道,当概念建立在解决现实问题的基础上时,女孩学得最好. Engaging students in the problem-solving process is a primary focus of the math program at Ellis. 通过向学生介绍使用数学工具解决的挑战, 没有提供任何明显的策略, 教师培养他们的分析能力, 逻辑推理, 创造性思维. 较低的学校 girls have the opportunity to explore the application of their mathematical knowledge and skills within a meaningful context which encourages them to appreciate the relevance and usefulness of mathematics. Frequently, teachers present students with problems that require collaboration and discussion. 学生有机会解释他们的想法, 倾听别人的想法, 挑战彼此的思维. 当他们分享, 解释, and justify their strategies—those that work as well and those that don’t—students develop robust mathematical understanding and confidence in their ability.
  • 识别和分析模式

    识别和分析模式的能力, 分类和分类, and represent relationships are powerful mathematical tools for making sense of the world. 从学前班到四年级,澳门新葡新京官方的女孩们通过 investigating the patterns they find in colors, shapes, sounds, numbers, and letters. 老师为学生提供了充分的分析机会, 扩展, and construct a variety of patterns and to use pattern-based thinking to analyze and solve problems. 这些探索建立了女孩对数学的理解和信心. 在解决一个复杂的问题时, teachers frequently suggest to students that they try to work on simpler versions of the problem, 观察在一些具体情况下会发生什么, 然后用这个模式来解决原来的问题. Students who are proficient at looking for patterns and analyzing them to solve problems are better equipped to grapple with higher-level math concepts. Most of the major principles of algebra and geometry emerge as generalizations of patterns in number and shape.
  • 运用建模和可视化技术

    因为女孩们牢牢扎根于物质世界, 数学学习必须从具体的经验开始. Learning proceeds from the known (concrete) to the unknown (abstract) as teachers connect and build upon our students’ existing knowledge base. Students engage with hands-on manipulatives to construct cognitive models for abstract mathematical concepts and processes. Pictorial representations are an additional mathematical tool teachers utilize to build 概念的理解. 例如, 幼儿园学生学习数字键, which is a pictorial representation of the part-part-whole relationship between numbers, 在介绍加法或减法符号之前. 在三年级和四年级, 女孩们用Bar模型解决具有挑战性的单词问题, 将问题分解成视觉表示, 使学生对复杂问题有概念化和策略化的解决方案. Models and 视觉 representations allow students to create and solidify their own understanding of why math works the way it does.


我们的语言艺术课程尊重孩子成长的事实 读者和作家 按照他们自己的节奏. We understand that our students are unique individuals who possess different abilities and learning styles. 我们采用多种方法来满足学习者的需求,包括:


  • 个人的会议

    我们的老师与学生一对一见面,听他们大声朗读, 讨论他们的阅读和写作, 重新教授或强化一课, 设定目标. Conferences are essential to student progress because of their individualized nature. Because we invite students to work 按照他们自己的节奏 and they are at many different places in their experiences as 读者和作家, 他们需要不同类型的教学来支持个人的工作. Sitting side-by-side with a teacher who is taking time for a thoughtful conversation sends the student the message that she is taken seriously as a reader and a writer and that we value her effort.
  • 多感官指令

    We incorporate multi-sensory techniques to create memorable learning experiences for our students. 我们的方法, 它涉及四种学习途径——听觉, 视觉, 触觉, and kinesthetic—leads to deeper more impactful learning because it activates multiple parts of the brain and creates more cognitive connections. Our students demonstrate focused attention and concentration when they engage the whole body in multi-sensory learning. Whether they are writing letters in sand to create a 触觉 memory or skywriting words to create muscle memory, 我们的学生专注于学习.
  • 同伴互动

    我们的学生有充足的机会互相朗读, 互相分享他们的作品, 并通过非正式的讨论和正式的项目来展示他们的想法. 除了练习和加强口语和听力技能, 同伴互动增加了学生对学习经验的责任感. 而不是依靠老师来带路, 学生们互相提问, 提供建设性的反馈, 并提出建议. Students appreciate their differences as they experience how each individual in the classroom contributes to the learning environment in her own way.
  • 小组教学

    在读写障碍期间, we increase the number of teachers in the room and divide students into small instructional groups. 较低的师生比例使我们能够密切监控学生的进步. 通过观察和评估, the teacher gathers information about the learner and responds with targeted instruction that meets a student where she is while offering the appropriate amount of challenge.



Keenly aware of the social-emotional needs of young learners as well as the need for providing a program that is developmentally appropriate, the 较低的学校 faculty create classroom environments that allow each girl to thrive. 澳门新葡新京官方的女孩热爱学校, 建立长久的友谊, 承担风险, 成为有创造力和独立的思考者. 因为低年级课程是探究式的, 关键问题是学生学习的动力. 问题和探索带来创新的解决方案. 我们认为艺术和STEM科目是相互关联的, making our approach equally engaging and rigorous in the arts and sciences and allowing our students to make connections across subject areas. We focus on experiential projects that create deep understanding and have real relevance to girls’ lives. 通过这个框架, 甚至我们最年轻的学生也会做比较, 看到的关系, 发展复杂的思维. 我们的女孩学会了团队合作, 尊重其他的认知方式, and learn to effectively use a variety of technology tools which enhance their learning and allow them to share what they know with others.
